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“love you more than I can say.”这是一份不容错过的祝福生日精辟短句英语阅读材料由朋友圈文案网精心整理。生日是一个可以拥抱未知的日子,针对不同的过生日对象,我们一般都会送上不同的生日祝福语。完成阅读后赶紧找朋友谈谈你的意见吧!

1、All the happiness, all the happiness, all the warmth, all the good luck around you forever! Happy birthday!

2、Sister, may your birthday be filled with endless happiness, may your memories today be warm, may your dreams today be sweet, and may this year be a happy one for you!

3、Spring and autumn change, the years of reincarnation, when Jiashen new year with light steps to us, we get together! Happy birthday!

4、Put each petal melody in the imagination, put each color eyes in meditation, in my life the most perfect time, in the life the most perfect event, my dear friends, I wish you a happy birthday, happy forever。


6、Affectionate birthday greetings. Birthday means a new beginning and a

7、Many years ago today, you were born into the world;today this year, you are young and in full bloom;today, you will be safe and happy forever. Happy birthday to you on this special day!

8、greeting, a blessing, all the wishes, a happy life, a safe life、 Happy birthday!

9、Affectionate birthday greetings. Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life.e true.

10、关上心门,浮现你幽默的话语,率真的性情。你是涓涓细流,滋润着我们的心田……生日快乐……shut the door, you of humor,



13、Although I am not your most outstanding student, but you are in my mind the most outstanding teacher!

14、love you more than I can say.

15、As a brother,you're the greatest,but your good points don't stop thereAs a person and friend,you're the nicest anywhere